Book Arts
“…For Bruno Leti, the process of making books is directly aligned to painting, drawing, printmaking and photography. All of these practices are a means to an end: they satisfy a desire to make objects of beauty that reside in the physical world. In the act of being made, these artworks record physical gestures made on wood, metal and paper. They resonate with the wonder of the everyday, and we read their tell-tale marks as we would a book…”
(Des Cowley, History of the Book and Arts, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, 2020)
Via Crucis to Uluru, Larry Rawling and Kim Westcott
Melbourne, 1992
Apprehensions, Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Monash University, 1994
The Iron Age, Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Bruno Leti
Etchings, Melbourne, 1997
The Alignments (One), Sasha Grishin, Bruno Leti
Etchings, Canberra, 1999
The Matrix, Peter Steele, Bruno Leti
Etchings, Melbourne, 2006
The Written Word, Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Jason Smith
Melbourne, 2007
The Lotus Cycle, Des Cowley
Melbourne, 2009
Regeneration, Sasha Grishin, Bruno Leti
Monotypes, Canberra, 2009
Camaldulensis, Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Melbourne, 2010
'14', Peter Steele, Bruno Leti
Etchings, Melbourne, 2012
True Trunk, Bruno Leti
Painting and Collage, Melbourne, 2012
Sacred Fragments (II), Dr Anne Kirker, Bruno Leti
Inkjet Prints, Melbourne, 2015
Stele,Bruno Leti
Melbourne, 2017
The 'Lockdown Booklets', Bruno Leti
Melbourne, 2019-20
'Fiorenza', Jenny Zimmer
Melbourne, 2021